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At 7 a.m., when I called out “neko!” from the second-floor window, the kittens started running towards me. In the evening, around 3 p.m., they seemed to wait while making a mess of the potted plants near the front door.

There’s a security camera installed at the entrance, recording the kittens playing every day. Since I still can’t play with them, watching the recordings has become one of my daily pleasures. The two kittens wrestle and chase each other, while the mother cat watches them quietly lounging.

This mother cat is probably still young, maybe not even a year old. She still acts like a kitten herself and often plays with the kittens. Watching their happy interactions every day was very soothing.

I gave them names without consulting them.

The mother cat is called Lulu-chan. Our cats have always had names like Kiki, Coco, Lili, Mimi, Momo, so I named her after that tradition. Looking back, maybe I always intended to take care of this mother cat.

One of the kittens, the gray one, is called Chibi. The mother (Lulu) is all gray, so this one is just a smaller, very cute version of her.

The other kitten has white paws that look like socks, so I named him Tabi. I thought Chibi might be a girl and Tabi might be a boy based on their demeanor, but I can’t be sure since I can’t touch them.

The cautious kittens also started approaching, albeit keeping their distance, when I opened the front door with food. Chibi-chan started tapping my ankles with her small front paws. Too adorable. She has a straight line of baldness on her back, maybe from rubbing against a car. I checked closely, but she doesn’t seem to be injured. She might have just narrowly avoided getting hurt.

Tabi-chan is very wary and doesn’t come too close, but he always seems very hungry and eagerly goes for the food. He always pushes Chibi and Lulu-chan aside to eat.

Chibi-chan only eats dry food. I thought maybe she couldn’t eat wet food because Tabi-chan always pushes her aside, so I tried setting out three plates, but it seems like she’s not very fond of it or maybe she’s a picky eater; she just sniffs at it but doesn’t eat.

Lulu-chan and Tabi-chan love wet food, so I always prepare two types: wet and dry.

My cats are so spoiled; they’ve been raised to be so demanding that they won’t eat if they don’t like it, and they’ll meow and meow until they get something else. We even order kibbles, canned tuna, and treats from Japan!

I’ve become so excited about feeding this parent-child duo, who eagerly devour anything I give them.

Our cats used to not eat, so we stopped buying various canned foods, but it’s fun to choose different canned foods each time we go to the pet shop.

Why do I feel so happy just because the cats eat? Cats are mysterious creatures, aren’t they?