







I’ve been thinking it would be nice if this situation could continue every day, but it’s obvious that eventually, Lulu will give birth to kittens, and the kittens will grow bigger.

Although I’ve always had cats, I’ve never experienced anything like this before, so I’ve been groping in the dark and asking around. Unfortunately, at the worst possible timing, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the county animal shelter, where I thought I could easily surrender the kittens, was closed. Phone calls went unanswered, so I emailed various places, but either received no response or was simply told to perform TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return).

TNR involves trapping cats, spaying or neutering them, and then returning them to their original location.

I don’t know how long I can continue feeding them, and I want them to become happy indoor cats if possible, so I reached out to people knowledgeable about cats and searched online for help. However, it was really the worst timing imaginable. With COVID-19 making it difficult to meet people, everyone had much bigger concerns than cats. It was a time when nobody knew when the pandemic would end.

I’ve been feeling more and more stressed. If I leave things as they are, Lulu will have more kittens, and then get pregnant again… I worried that this area would become overrun with cats. I entertained the idea of sheltering Lulu at my place, letting her give birth, and then fostering the kittens until they’re a bit older, but everyone I contacted recommended giving up on the kittens and opting for spaying. They all said the same thing.

What on earth should I do…